What Did Korean Royalty Wear?

Korean royalty enjoyed an incredibly opulent lifestyle and their clothing reflected that. From the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1897) to the Korean Empire (1897-1910), the Korean royal family was known for their intricate and luxurious clothing. Worn throughout the royal court, traditional Korean royal attire featured intricate embroidery, colorful silks, and luxurious furs. Both men and women wore a variety of items, including hanbok, a traditional Korean garment, and jeogori, a type of coat. Accessories such as hats, shoes, and jewelry completed the sophisticated and elegant look. For special occasions, the royals might have worn even more extravagant clothing, such as royal hats and long flowing gowns. Korean royalty also carried weapons such as swords and daggers to signify their power. Through their clothing, Korean royalty was able to display their status and wealth.

Overview of Traditional Korean Royalty Attire

Korean royal attire was an important part of the upper class culture in Korea for centuries. While the fashion of the day varied from dynasty to dynasty, traditional Korean royalty attire typically included a variety of colorful and ornate garments, accessories, and hairstyles.

The Joseon Dynasty, which lasted from 1392 to 1897, was the longest-running dynasty in Korea. During this period, the Joseon Dynasty court mandated that all members of the royal family adhere to a strict dress code, which was enforced by the five royal protocol officers. This dress code specified the type of clothing, accessories, and hairstyles that were appropriate for royalty.

The main article of clothing for royal women was the jeogori, a type of blouse with long, wide sleeves, which was usually worn with a full-length skirt known as a chima. Other accessories for women included silk scarves, jewelry, and headdresses. Royal men typically wore hanbok, a type of robe, with a wide belt known as a baeja. Accessories for men included sashes, hats, and shoes.

Hairstyling was also important for royal members, and a variety of traditional hairstyles were adopted by the royal court. For women, the most popular hairstyle was the seunggeuta, a high, cylindrical bun that was adorned with ornaments. Men usually wore their hair in a straight, layered style known as a sangtu.

Today, traditional Korean royalty attire is still worn by members of the Korean royal family for special occasions. Although the style has changed slightly over the centuries, the basic elements remain the same. Korean royalty attire is an important part of the country’s culture and remains a source of national pride.

Evolution of Korean Royalty Attire Through the Ages

Korean royalty has a long and fascinating history, and its traditional dress has gone through many changes over the centuries. This article will explore the evolution of royal attire in Korea, from ancient times to the present day.

In ancient Korea, royalty and nobility wore hanbok, a type of clothing consisting of a loose-fitting upper garment and wide-legged trousers. These garments were made of silk and often had intricate embroidery and patterns. In the Goryeo period, the hanbok became more colorful and elaborate, with brocade and gold thread used to create intricate designs.

During the Joseon Dynasty, the hanbok was further refined. Traditional hanbok included jeogori, a short overcoat with long sleeves, and chima, a wrap-around skirt. The style of clothing was very conservative and was usually made of silk or ramie fabric. Men wore jeogori with baggy trousers, and women wore chima with jeogori. The Joseon Dynasty also introduced the durumagi, a kind of overcoat worn over the hanbok.

In modern times, royal attire in Korea has changed significantly. It is now more casual and less formal than it was in the past. Men usually wear suits and ties, while women often opt for skirts and dresses. Although the traditional hanbok is still worn on special occasions, it is now more of a fashion statement than a symbol of status.

The evolution of Korean royal attire is an interesting topic, and it is fascinating to see how it has changed over time. It is clear that the traditional dress of Korean royalty has evolved from its ancient roots to become a more modern and fashionable outfit. Through the centuries, Korean royalty has embraced new styles and trends while still preserving the traditional elements of its clothing.

Materials Used in Korean Royalty Attire

Korean royal attire is renowned for its luxurious craftsmanship and intricate detail. From the traditional Korean dress known as hanbok to the ornate court robes of the Joseon Dynasty, Korean royalty has made a name for itself with its sophisticated style. But what materials were used to create these stunning garments? To answer this question, we must look at the different fabrics used throughout Korean history.

Silk was a popular material of choice for Korean royalty, and its delicate texture and luxurious sheen made it a favorite among the upper classes. In the Joseon Dynasty, high-ranking officials and courtiers wore court robes made of silk. The use of silk was reserved for the most esteemed members of society, and its exclusivity made it a sign of wealth and status.

Cotton was another important fabric used in traditional Korean attire. The hanbok, which was worn by both men and women, was often crafted from lightweight cotton. This material was more affordable than silk, so it was accessible to people of all classes. Although cotton was a more common material, it was still used to create beautiful garments with intricate embroidery and delicate detailing.

Linen was also used in Korean royal attire, and its breathable and durable properties made it perfect for making clothes. During the Joseon Dynasty, officials and courtiers were required to wear linen robes on formal occasions. Linen was a popular choice due to its lightweight feel and crisp appearance.

Korean royalty has long been renowned for its unique and luxurious style. From the intricate embroidery of the hanbok to the opulent court robes of the Joseon Dynasty, the fabrics used to create these garments were carefully chosen to create a timeless look. Silk, cotton, and linen were all important materials used in traditional Korean royal attire, and each one brought its own unique beauty to the garments.

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Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonsam

Accessories Used in Korean Royalty Attire

Korean royalty has always attracted attention and admiration for its intricate and luxurious style. Throughout the centuries, Korean royals have used a variety of different accessories to complete their traditional attire. From intricately designed sashes and hats to jewelry and other traditional pieces, these accessories have become iconic symbols of the Korean royal family.

One of the most iconic accessories of Korean royalty is the sash or gache. These sashes feature intricate designs and are made from luxurious materials like silk and velvet. The sashes are usually decorated with colorful embroidery and often feature symbols of status or family rank. Other common accessories include hats and crowns, which are usually made from gold and jewels.

Korean royalty also wore traditional jewelry items such as bracelets, rings, and necklaces. These pieces were usually made from gold and silver and often featured intricate designs. Many of the jewelry pieces also featured precious stones, such as jade, pearls, and diamonds.

Korean royalty attire was also often accessorized with traditional items such as fans, swords, and even umbrellas. These items were usually made from luxurious materials such as silk or velvet and were often decorated with intricate designs.

Korean royalty has long been admired for its exquisite style and luxurious accessories. From sashes and hats to traditional jewelry and items, these accessories have become iconic symbols of the Korean royal family. Whether it’s a sash or a fan, these traditional accessories have been used to complete the traditional attire of Korean royalty for centuries.

Popularity of Korean Royalty Attire in Modern Culture

Korean royalty was known for their sophisticated and unique style of dress. From ornate headpieces to intricate embroidery, their fashion was a reflection of their status and power in society. Although the clothing of Korean royalty has changed over time, today many modern trends have been influenced by the clothing of Korean nobility. From the hanbok to the jeogori, Korean royalty attire has been adapted and adopted by the modern fashion industry.

Korean hanbok, an iconic garment of Korean nobility, is still worn today to special occasions such as weddings and festivals. The traditional hanbok consists of a jeogori, a long-sleeved top, and a chima, a long skirt. The garments have unique features such as vibrant colors and intricate embroidery that have become popular among modern fashion enthusiasts.

Along with the hanbok, the jeogori has been popularized in modern culture as well. The jeogori is a short-sleeved top that is usually paired with the hanbok. It has become a staple of Korean street style and is often worn with jeans or shorts. It has also been featured in the media, such as in music videos and fashion magazines.

In today’s society, the influence of Korean royalty attire is evident in modern fashion. From the traditional hanbok and jeogori to the more modern adaptations, Korean royalty attire has become a staple in fashion culture. As the popularity of Korean fashion continues to grow, the influence of Korean royal attire will continue to be seen in modern fashion.


Korean royalty had a unique style of clothing that set them apart from the rest of the population. Their intricate and luxurious garments were designed to showcase their wealth and power. These garments were often made of expensive materials such as silk, velvet, and brocade and featured intricate embroidery and decorations. Wealthy royals also wore elaborate hats and headdresses to symbolize their status. Korean royal clothing was more than just a fashion statement; it was a symbol of their power and influence. While traditional Korean clothing styles have changed over time, the influence of Korean royalty can still be seen in modern Korean fashion.

FAQs About the What Did Korean Royalty Wear?

1. What type of clothing did Korean royalty wear?
Royalty in Korea wore a variety of clothing, including long, flowing robes, robes with embroidered designs, and colorful hanbok—Korea’s traditional dress.

2. What was the main material for Korean royal clothing?
The main material used for royal clothing was silk. Other fabrics such as cotton, ramie, and hemp were also used to make royal garments.

3. How did commoners and royalty dress differently in Korea?
Commoners in Korea usually wore plain, undecorated clothing made from practical fabrics like cotton and hemp. Royalty, on the other hand, wore clothing made from luxurious fabrics like silk and decorated with intricate embroidery.


Korean royalty wore elaborate and luxurious clothing that demonstrated their wealth and status. Clothing was often made from luxurious fabrics and featured intricate embroidery and detailing. Korean royalty also wore crowns, headdresses, and other accessories to further symbolize their stature. These royal garments were often richly decorated and highly intricate, and they served as a visible sign of the power and wealth of the Korean monarchy.

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